In the YouTube video, the speaker explains how to write a book using Chat GPT and then publish it on Amazon Kindle to make passive income. The speaker suggests choosing a category and topic for the book and gives an example of choosing the self-help category and writing a review book containing reviews of the top 100 self-help books. They use web scraping to create a list of book titles and use Chat GPT to generate brief summaries or reviews of each book. After editing and formatting the book, they then proceed to publish it on Amazon Kindle. The speaker encourages the viewers to be creative when choosing the topic of the book, and doing research, and also provides a link to a Google Drive link to download the book for free, as an example. The main point of this video is to show how easy it is to generate a book using GPT and then publish it on Kindle, and potentially make a passive income from it. ChatGpt Tutorial Hub.