In the video by Julian Goldie SEO, he discusses the use of, a free AI tool, for generating SEO content. He compares with other paid SEO tools and highlights the risks associated with using AI-generated content. can be used for quick research, creating SEO content outlines, and even full SEO articles. The video also mentions a favorite SEO checklist for ranking both human and AI-generated content, as well as the usefulness of AI detectors for hiring SEOs. While the video encourages caution in using AI content due to potential changes in Google’s stance, it provides links for a free strategy session and a ChatGPT SEO course.

Julian Goldie SEO presents a free step-by-step SEO checklist for ranking content number one with AI in a video titled “FREE AI SEO Workflow: 3 NEW FREE ChatGPT Strategies to Rank SEO Content.” The checklist offers an alternative to expensive SEO tools, focusing on content outlines and ranking AI-generated content. The checklist aims to reduce the risks associated with AI and protect site rankings. It emphasizes the importance of quality checking content and includes techniques for targeting low competition keywords, creating outlines using tools like neur writer or scraping Google, and matching search intent and improving readability. The video also mentions the use of AI detectors to filter out AI content and ensure important websites use human-written content.

Using to Generate SEO Content for Free

Using to Generate SEO Content for Free

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Introduction to

If you’re looking for a free and efficient way to generate SEO content, look no further than is an AI-powered tool that can help you research, create outlines, and even generate full SEO articles for your website. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and risks of using for SEO, as well as provide you with a step-by-step SEO checklist to help you rank your content. So let’s dive in and see how can be your go-to tool for all your SEO needs.

Comparison with Paid SEO Tools

When it comes to SEO tools, there are plenty of paid options available in the market. However, these tools can often come with hefty price tags, making them inaccessible for many small businesses or individuals with limited budgets. offers a free alternative that can deliver similar results. While paid tools may offer more advanced features and customization options, provides a cost-effective solution for those who are just starting out or are looking to save money.

Risks of AI Content for SEO

While using AI-generated content may seem like a dream come true for content creators, there are risks involved. Google’s algorithms are constantly evolving, and its stance on AI-generated content could change in the future. Therefore, it’s essential to use AI content cautiously and conduct your own tests before implementing it on your website. Additionally, relying solely on AI content may result in a lack of originality and authenticity, which can negatively impact user engagement and trust.

Benefits of for SEO

Despite the risks, offers several benefits for SEO content generation. Firstly, it provides a quick and efficient way to research and create content outlines. By extracting competitor keywords, headings, and word counts, you can ensure that your content is tailored to match the market demand. also allows you to generate full SEO articles, providing cost savings compared to other AI tools. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive prompts make it accessible to beginners and experienced SEO professionals alike.

Using to Generate SEO Content for Free

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Favorite SEO Checklist for Ranking Human and AI-Generated Content

To ensure your content ranks high in search engine results, it’s essential to follow a comprehensive SEO checklist. This checklist should apply to both human-written and AI-generated content. Some key items to include in your checklist are targeting low competition keywords, creating outlines using tools like Neur Writer or scraping Google, matching search intent, improving readability through formatting and media embedding, and using AI detectors to filter out AI-generated content for critical websites. By following this checklist, you can optimize your content for both search engines and user experience.

Cautionary Note on AI Content Usage

While AI-generated content can be a valuable asset in your SEO strategy, it’s crucial to be cautious and aware of potential pitfalls. As mentioned earlier, Google’s stance on AI content may change in the future, so it’s important to stay updated on any policy updates. Additionally, AI content should not be seen as a complete replacement for human-written content. Human expertise, creativity, and critical thinking are still crucial for creating unique and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Using to Generate SEO Content for Free

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Conducting Tests before Implementation

Before implementing AI-generated content on your website, it’s essential to conduct thorough tests. These tests will help you evaluate the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of the content generated by tools like Running experiments and comparing AI-generated content with human-written content can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions about incorporating AI into your SEO strategy. Testing different tools, approaches, and content variations will give you a better understanding of what works best for your specific needs.

Booking a Free Strategy Session

If you need further guidance on using or incorporating AI in your SEO strategy, you can book a free strategy session with an SEO expert. This session will give you the opportunity to discuss your specific goals, challenges, and questions related to AI content generation. The expert will provide personalized advice and actionable tips to help you make the most of your AI tools and achieve your SEO objectives.

Using to Generate SEO Content for Free

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Accessing a Free ChatGPT SEO Course

For those who are interested in learning more about AI-powered SEO, ChatGPT offers a free SEO course that covers various strategies and techniques. The course covers topics such as content creation, keyword research, on-page optimization, and more. By enrolling in this course, you can enhance your SEO skills and gain a deeper understanding of how AI can be integrated into your SEO workflow effectively.

Free Step-by-Step SEO Checklist for Ranking Content Number One with AI

To help you achieve top rankings in search engine results with AI-generated content, we’ve put together a free step-by-step SEO checklist. This checklist covers all the essential elements of optimizing your content for search engines, including keyword research, content creation, on-page optimization, and more. By following this checklist, you can ensure that your AI-generated content is well-optimized and has the best chance of ranking number one in search engine results pages.

Alternative to Expensive SEO Tools for Content Outlines

Creating content outlines is an essential step in the content creation process. While some paid SEO tools offer advanced features for creating outlines, there are free alternatives available as well. can be an excellent alternative for creating content outlines without breaking the bank. By utilizing its competitor keyword extraction and heading analysis features, you can generate comprehensive outlines that align with your target keywords and market demand.

Reducing Risks of AI in Protecting Site Rankings

As mentioned earlier, there are risks associated with using AI-generated content for SEO. To mitigate these risks and protect your site rankings, it’s crucial to implement certain measures. One such measure is using AI detectors to filter out AI-generated content from critical websites. By ensuring that important pages have human-written content, you can maintain the authenticity and quality that search engines value. This approach can help you strike a balance between leveraging AI for efficiency and preserving your site’s rankings.

Importance of Quality Checking Content

No matter the source of your content, quality checking is an integral part of the SEO process. Ensuring that your content is well-written, free of errors, and provides value to users is crucial for ranking high in search engine results. Whether you’re using AI-generated content or human-written content, conducting quality checks will help you maintain high standards and meet the expectations of both search engines and users.

Targeting Low Competition Keywords

When it comes to SEO, choosing the right keywords is key. Targeting low competition keywords can give you a competitive edge and increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results. Tools like can assist you in identifying low competition keywords, allowing you to optimize your content for relevant and less competitive search queries. By focusing on these keywords, you can attract targeted traffic and improve your website’s visibility.

Creating Outlines with Neur Writer or Google Scraping

Creating detailed and well-structured outlines is essential for producing high-quality content. While can help you with this task, other tools like Neur Writer or Google scraping can also be beneficial. Neur Writer offers advanced features for generating content outlines, while Google scraping allows you to gather data from top-ranking competitors to inform your outline creation process. By leveraging these tools, you can ensure that your content is comprehensive, relevant, and aligned with user search intent.

Matching Search Intent and Improving Readability

One of the most critical factors in SEO is matching your content to user search intent. Understanding what users are searching for and tailoring your content to meet their needs is essential for ranking high in search engine results. can assist you in analyzing competitor content and identifying common elements that address user search intent. Additionally, improving the readability of your content through proper formatting, sentence structure, and media embedding can enhance user engagement and search engine performance.

Using AI Detectors for Filtering AI Content

To strike a balance between AI-generated and human-written content, utilizing AI detectors can be beneficial. These detectors help filter out AI-generated content on critical websites, ensuring that important pages have human-written content. By doing so, you can maintain authenticity, originality, and high-quality standards. AI detectors can be integrated into your SEO workflow to identify and replace AI-generated content with human-written content, protecting your site rankings and user experience.

In conclusion, offers a free and efficient solution for generating SEO content. While there are risks associated with using AI-generated content, conducting tests and following a comprehensive SEO checklist can help you mitigate these risks. By leveraging and other tools, you can create outlines, generate content, and optimize your website for search engines effectively. Remember to prioritize quality checking and targeting low competition keywords to maximize your SEO efforts. With the right approach and understanding, can become a valuable asset in your SEO strategy.