Are you looking to automate your workflow? Well, look no further! In the video titled “Top 27 Automations using ChatGPT on,” AI Andy takes you through a comprehensive list of 27 automations using ChatGPT on From generating completions to automating email responses, analyzing customer feedback sentiment, and creating social media posts, this video covers a wide range of tasks that can save you hours per week. Each automation is described with a timestamp, making it easy for you to skip to the ones that interest you the most. If you’re keen on trying out these automations, there’s even a link provided to access the templates on So sit back, relax, and let AI Andy guide you through these time-saving automations. Peace!

Imagine being able to automate your work and save hours every week. Well, you’re in luck! offers 27 incredible ChatGPT workflows that can revolutionize the way you work. In the video created by AI Andy, he dives into each automation, providing detailed explanations and practical applications. Whether you’re looking to generate completions, automate email responses, analyze sentiment in customer feedback, or conduct competitor analysis, has got you covered. You can even access the templates for these automations on their website. So why not give it a try? Automate your work with ChatGPT on and enjoy the benefits of increased efficiency. Peace!

Top 27 Automations using ChatGPT on

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Top 27 Automations using ChatGPT on

Welcome to the article where we explore the top 27 automations using ChatGPT on! If you’re looking to automate your work and save valuable time, you’re in the right place. These automations cover a wide range of tasks and use the power of AI to streamline your workflows. So grab a pen and paper, because you might just find a game-changing idea for your business!

Automation 1: Generating Completions

First up, we have an automation that allows you to create new completions using OpenAI’s ChatGPT. By inputting new rows in Google Sheets, you can generate completions on any topic using ChatGPT. This automation is perfect for tasks like generating SEO keywords from your content topics. Imagine the time you’ll save by automatically generating multiple ideas from just one prompt!

Automation 2: Automating Email Responses

Tired of spending hours responding to business emails? This automation is here to rescue you. By using ChatGPT and Google Sheets, you can automate your responses to business emails. When a new email arrives, it goes through OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which pulls data from a row in Google Sheets. The response is then sent out, saving you time and ensuring consistent and personalized replies. It’s like having your own virtual assistant!

Automation 3: Analyzing Sentiment in Customer Feedback

Understanding customer sentiment is crucial for improving your products and services. With this automation, you can analyze the sentiment in customer feedback using ChatGPT and Google Sheets. By monitoring new rows in Google Sheets, the automation classifies the sentiment of the feedback and updates it directly in the sheet. This automation is a game-changer for recruiters, surveyors, and anyone who wants to gain insights from customer feedback.

Automation 4: Creating Social Media Posts

Keeping your social media presence active and engaging is essential for any business. With ChatGPT, you can transform published articles, blog posts, or even TikTok videos into captivating social media posts. By simply inputting the text into ChatGPT, you can generate engaging content that boosts your online presence and drives organic traffic. It’s a quick and efficient way to repurpose your existing content and reach a wider audience.

Automation 5: Transcribing Audio Files

Transcribing audio files can be a tedious and time-consuming task. But with this automation, you can automate the process using OpenAI’s Whisper and Google Drive. The automation watches for new audio files in a specific Google Drive folder and transcribes them using Whisper. The transcriptions are then stored in a Google Document and can be instantly emailed for easy communication. Whether you’re taking notes or need to share information with your team, this automation has got you covered.

Automation 6: Generating LinkedIn Draft Posts from TikTok Videos

Are you an avid TikTok user looking to expand your reach on LinkedIn? This automation is perfect for you. By simply emailing the link to an inspiring TikTok video, you’ll receive a professional LinkedIn draft post in your inbox. The automation extracts the URL from the email, converts the video to an MP3 using a Rapid API, transcribes it using Whisper, and creates a LinkedIn post out of the content. It’s a fast and efficient way to repurpose your TikTok videos and share content on LinkedIn.

Automation 7: Conducting Competitor Analysis

Staying ahead of the competition is crucial in today’s business landscape. With this automation, you can automate your competitor analysis using ChatGPT. By inputting relevant data into ChatGPT, you can leverage AI to analyze your competitors’ strategies, identify trends, and gain valuable insights. This automation is a game-changer for businesses looking to stay ahead in the market and make data-driven decisions.

Automation 8: Automating Google Sheets Actions

Google Sheets is a powerful tool for organizing data and managing workflows. With this automation, you can automate various actions within Google Sheets using ChatGPT. Whether it’s generating completions, analyzing data, or updating rows, ChatGPT can streamline your Google Sheets workflows and save you valuable time. Say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to automated efficiency!

Automation 9: Streamlining Google Drive Organization

If you’re a fan of Google Drive, this automation is a must-try. By automating Google Drive organization using ChatGPT, you can simplify your file management process. Whether it’s organizing files into folders, renaming documents, or moving files based on specific criteria, ChatGPT can handle it all. Say goodbye to the endless scrolling and searching and hello to a well-organized and efficient Google Drive.

Automation 10: Integrating Telegram with ChatGPT to Automate Tasks

Telegram is a popular messaging platform that offers a wide range of features. With this automation, you can integrate Telegram with ChatGPT to automate various tasks. Whether it’s translating bot messages into different languages or generating intelligent bot responses, ChatGPT can enhance your Telegram experience and improve communication. It’s a user-friendly and efficient way to streamline your Telegram workflows.

Automation 11: Automating LinkedIn Outreach

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for networking and building professional connections. With this automation, you can automate your LinkedIn outreach using ChatGPT. By inputting relevant data into ChatGPT, you can generate personalized messages, connect with potential clients or partners, and streamline your outreach process. It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to expand their network and build valuable relationships.

Automation 12: Hosting Zoom Meetings with Automated Invitations

Hosting Zoom meetings can be time-consuming, especially when it comes to sending out invitations. With this automation, you can automate the process using ChatGPT and Zoom. By inputting relevant data into ChatGPT, you can generate automated invitations and send them out to participants. It’s a convenient and efficient way to streamline your meeting planning process and ensure that everyone receives the necessary information.

Automation 13: Managing WooCommerce Orders with ChatGPT

If you’re running an online store on WooCommerce, this automation is a game-changer. By automating your WooCommerce orders using ChatGPT, you can streamline your order management process. Whether it’s generating customized invoices, updating order status, or handling customer inquiries, ChatGPT can handle it all. Say goodbye to manual order management and hello to automated efficiency.

Automation 14: Optimizing Shopify Product Pages with AI

Shopify is a popular platform for e-commerce businesses, and optimizing product pages is key to driving sales. With this automation, you can leverage AI to optimize your Shopify product pages. By inputting product data into ChatGPT, you can generate compelling product descriptions, titles, and even SEO keywords. It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to boost their online presence and drive conversions.

Automation 15: Automating Gong Call Summaries

Gong calls are an essential part of sales and business development processes. With this automation, you can automate Gong call summaries using ChatGPT. By inputting call recordings into ChatGPT, you can generate concise and accurate summaries of the calls. It’s a time-saving and efficient way to ensure that important information is captured and easily accessible.

Automation 16: Generating Customized Invoices with ChatGPT

If you’re tired of manually creating invoices, this automation is for you. By automating your invoice generation using ChatGPT, you can streamline your invoicing process. Whether it’s generating invoices based on specific criteria, customizing invoice templates, or sending them out to clients, ChatGPT can handle it all. Say goodbye to the tedious task of creating invoices and hello to automated efficiency.

Automation 17: Integrating ChatGPT with CRM Systems

CRM systems are essential for managing customer relationships and sales processes. With this automation, you can integrate ChatGPT with your CRM system to automate various tasks. Whether it’s updating customer information, tracking sales leads, or generating personalized recommendations, ChatGPT can enhance your CRM experience and improve customer engagement. It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their sales processes and provide personalized experiences to their customers.

Automation 18: Conducting Market Research with ChatGPT

Market research is crucial for understanding your target audience and making informed business decisions. With this automation, you can leverage ChatGPT to automate your market research process. By inputting relevant data into ChatGPT, you can generate insights, identify trends, and analyze customer feedback. It’s a time-saving and efficient way to gather valuable information and make data-driven decisions.

Automation 19: Automating Data Entry with AI

Data entry is a task that often consumes a significant amount of time and effort. With this automation, you can automate your data entry process using AI. Whether it’s extracting data from emails, inputting data into spreadsheets, or updating databases, ChatGPT can handle it all. Say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to automated efficiency.

Automation 20: Creating Chatbot Scripts with ChatGPT

Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular for providing instant customer support and handling repetitive tasks. With this automation, you can create chatbot scripts using ChatGPT. Whether it’s answering frequently asked questions, guiding users through a website, or providing product recommendations, ChatGPT can help you create intelligent and engaging chatbot conversations. It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to enhance their customer support and improve user experiences.

Automation 21: Automating Social Media Analytics

Analyzing social media data is crucial for understanding engagement, reach, and the effectiveness of your campaigns. With this automation, you can automate your social media analytics using ChatGPT. By inputting relevant data into ChatGPT, you can generate insights, identify trends, and analyze audience feedback. It’s a time-saving and efficient way to track your social media performance and make data-driven decisions.

Automation 22: Streamlining Content Moderation

Content moderation is essential for maintaining a safe and engaging online environment. With this automation, you can streamline your content moderation process using ChatGPT. By inputting user-generated content into ChatGPT, you can automatically identify and flag potentially harmful or inappropriate content. It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to ensure a positive user experience and maintain brand reputation.

Automation 23: Automating SEO Keyword Research

SEO keyword research is crucial for improving your website’s visibility and driving organic traffic. With this automation, you can automate your SEO keyword research using ChatGPT. By inputting relevant data into ChatGPT, you can generate a list of high-performing keywords, analyze competition, and identify opportunities for optimization. It’s a time-saving and efficient way to boost your website’s search engine rankings and attract more visitors.

Automation 24: Generating Sales Reports with ChatGPT

Sales reports are essential for monitoring performance, setting targets, and making data-driven decisions. With this automation, you can generate sales reports using ChatGPT. By inputting relevant data into ChatGPT, you can generate customized sales reports, analyze performance metrics, and identify areas for improvement. It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their reporting process and gain valuable insights.

Automation 25: Automating Lead Generation

Lead generation is vital for driving sales and growing your business. With this automation, you can automate your lead generation process using ChatGPT. By inputting relevant data into ChatGPT, you can generate targeted lead lists, analyze lead quality, and identify potential customers. It’s a time-saving and efficient way to attract potential buyers and fuel your sales funnel.

Automation 26: Enhancing Customer Support with AI

Providing exceptional customer support is essential for building customer loyalty and satisfaction. With this automation, you can enhance your customer support using AI-powered ChatGPT. By inputting customer queries into ChatGPT, you can generate intelligent and personalized responses, provide 24/7 support, and resolve customer issues more efficiently. It’s a game-changer for businesses looking to deliver exceptional customer experiences and build long-term relationships.

Automation 27: Personalizing Customer Recommendations

Personalized recommendations are key to driving customer engagement and increasing sales. With this automation, you can personalize your customer recommendations using ChatGPT. By inputting customer data into ChatGPT, you can generate tailored recommendations, suggest relevant products or services, and enhance the customer shopping experience. It’s a time-saving and efficient way to boost customer satisfaction and drive repeat business.


And there you have it – the top 27 automations using ChatGPT on! From generating completions to automating social media posts, transcribing audio files, and enhancing customer support, these automations offer a wide range of benefits for businesses of all sizes. If you’re interested in trying out these automations, head over to and access the templates for a one-click setup. Automate your work with AI and save valuable time and resources. Thanks again to for sponsoring this video and supporting our channel’s growth. For more information and in-depth tutorials, be sure to watch the video by AI Andy.


Top 27 Automations using ChatGPT on

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