In the article “Practicality over Promises: Creating Hands-On Content without AI,” the video by The AI Advantage challenges the notion that AI tools are as life-changing as they are portrayed to be on social media. The speaker shares their experience in moving to Lisbon and how it has offered a solution to the overhyped AI tools. They emphasize the need for more practical and hands-on content creation, discussing the use of AI tools and automation. The speaker aims to showcase real-world use cases of AI and invites viewers to share their experiences. They also mention a shift in content style and their intention to interview individuals who effectively utilize AI in their workflows. The speaker states that they will document their journey on their personal Instagram account.

The speaker acknowledges the incredible impact of AI but argues that its portrayal on social media platforms is often exaggerated. They aim to provide a more realistic perspective on AI tools and highlight the practical applications of AI in content creation. By documenting their own experiences and interviewing others, they hope to offer valuable insights and promote a more hands-on approach to utilizing AI. The speaker invites viewers to share their own AI experiences and results, emphasizing the importance of tangible proof and real-world benefits. While focusing on content creation, they also express their intention to cover a broader range of AI use cases and share practical outcomes.


In a world filled with technological advancements, AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools have become a buzzword, especially on social media platforms. They are often portrayed as revolutionary, life-changing, and capable of providing an exponential increase in productivity and success. However, the reality is far from the overhyped claims. As an AI educator with years of experience in the field, I can confidently say that 99% of AI tools are not as game-changing as they are made out to be. In this article, I will discuss my opinion on the overhype of AI tools, my solution to this problem, and the importance of focusing on practical content creation and hands-on approach.

The Overhype of AI Tools

The speaker’s opinion

AI tools have created a false illusion that they can completely change your life and make you rich overnight. They promise to 10x your output and provide endless possibilities. However, the truth is that most of these claims are not applicable to the majority of people. While AI has certainly made a significant impact and has its advantages, it is important to understand that it cannot fulfill every promise made by these tools.

AI tools on social media

One of the main reasons AI tools are overhyped is because of their portrayal on social media platforms. You often come across videos and posts claiming that using AI can help you make $10,000 a month or put out 50 times more content. However, most of these claims are made by individuals who have never used the tools themselves. As a result, when you try these tools, you realize that they fall short of their grand promises, leaving you disappointed and questioning their real value.

Practicality over Promises: Creating Hands-On Content without AI

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Finding a Solution in Lisbon

Relocating to Lisbon

To address the issue of overhyped AI tools and to create more practical and valuable content, I have decided to relocate to Lisbon. By moving to a new environment, I aim to immerse myself in a tech hub that fosters innovation and collaboration. Lisbon provides a vibrant community of entrepreneurs and creatives who are actively using AI tools in their workflows. This move allows me to have firsthand experiences and interactions with individuals who are effectively utilizing AI tools in their day-to-day lives.

Reassessing the Impact of AI Tools

Revolutionary or life-changing?

It is essential to reassess the impact of AI tools and have a realistic perspective. While AI has the potential to enhance productivity and efficiency, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. AI tools should be seen as tools that complement and assist in various tasks, rather than completely revolutionizing them. It is important to manage expectations and understand the limitations of AI tools to avoid disappointment and unrealistic demands.

Misrepresentation of AI tools

The misrepresentation of AI tools contributes to the overhype surrounding them. Many individuals and companies exaggerate the capabilities of these tools, leading to false expectations and disappointments. It is crucial to approach AI tools with a critical mindset and thoroughly research their functionalities and limitations before incorporating them into your workflow.

Practicality over Promises: Creating Hands-On Content without AI

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The Focus on Practicality

Shifting towards practical content

To combat the overhype of AI tools, I am shifting my content focus towards practicality. Instead of creating content solely centered around the potential of AI, I want to provide step-by-step tutorials and real-world use cases. By showcasing how AI tools can be effectively utilized in specific scenarios, I aim to offer tangible results and help viewers understand the practicality and value of these tools.

Importance of hands-on approach

I strongly believe in a hands-on approach when it comes to AI tools. Merely discussing their potential without providing practical examples limits their true understanding and usefulness. By engaging in hands-on experimentation and showcasing the actual implementation of AI tools, I hope to bridge the gap between theory and practice for my audience.

AI Tools for Content Creation and Automation

The speaker’s experience with AI tools

As an AI educator, I have extensively explored various AI tools for content creation and automation. I have experimented with chat GPT, used AI-generated titles for my videos, and automated certain aspects of my content production process. Through my personal experiences, I have gained insights into the benefits and limitations of these tools.

Benefits and limitations of AI tools

AI tools offer significant benefits, such as increased productivity and efficiency. They can automate repetitive tasks, generate content ideas, and assist in content creation. However, it is crucial to acknowledge their limitations. AI tools are not flawless, and they require human oversight and fine-tuning. They are best used as tools to enhance and facilitate content creation, rather than replace human creativity and expertise.

Practicality over Promises: Creating Hands-On Content without AI

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Showcasing Effective AI Tool Use Cases

Highlighting successful AI tool utilization

To provide a more realistic and comprehensive view of AI tools, I want to showcase successful use cases. I aim to interview individuals who have integrated AI tools into their workflows and have seen tangible results. By sharing their stories, I hope to inspire and educate others on the practical applications of AI tools.

Interviewing people about their AI use cases

Through interviews, I want to delve deeper into the specific ways in which individuals are effectively using AI tools. I will explore their strategies, challenges, and the impact of AI on their productivity and success. These interviews will not only provide valuable insights but also foster a sense of community and shared knowledge among individuals who are interested in AI tool utilization.

Engaging with Viewers and Collecting Stories

Inviting viewers to share their AI experiences

To create a more interactive experience, I invite viewers to share their own experiences with AI tools. By opening a channel for dialogue, I hope to learn from their perspectives, challenges, and successes. This collective sharing of experiences will contribute to a richer understanding of AI tools and their practical applications.

Providing a form for sharing AI results

To streamline the process of collecting stories and experiences, I provide a form for viewers to fill out if they are interested in sharing their AI results. This form will allow individuals to share tangible proof of the impact of AI on their productivity, efficiency, and overall success. By facilitating the collection of these stories, I can showcase a wide range of AI tool use cases and their real-world outcomes.

Practicality over Promises: Creating Hands-On Content without AI

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Documenting the Journey on Instagram

Using personal Instagram account

To provide behind-the-scenes insights and updates, I will be documenting my journey on my personal Instagram account. Through this platform, I will share my day-to-day experiences, challenges, and discoveries as an AI educator who has relocated to Lisbon. This will offer a more personal view of my own exploration and growth in the world of AI.

Sharing updates and insights

By sharing updates and insights on my Instagram account, I aim to create a closer connection with my audience and keep them informed about the progress of my content creation and interviews. This platform will provide a more informal and unfiltered perspective on my work, allowing viewers to engage in a more personal and interactive manner.


While AI tools have undoubtedly made significant advancements, it is crucial to approach them with a critical mindset and realistic expectations. The overhype surrounding AI tools, especially on social media, often leads to disappointment and false illusions. By shifting towards practical content, showcasing successful use cases, and engaging with viewers, I hope to provide a more balanced and honest perspective on AI tools. Through my journey in Lisbon and continued exploration, I aim to uncover the true value and potential of AI tools while dispelling the myths and misconceptions surrounding them. Follow my journey on my personal Instagram account to stay updated on my progress and insights. Together, we can navigate the world of AI tools with a practical and informed approach.