In the video, the speaker explains how to build a web browser using chat GPT and python. He goes to the chat GPT website and types “build a web browser using python and qtpy” and chat GPT writes the code for him. He mentions that Python needs to be installed and some modules such as qtpy, QT web engine also need to be installed. He copies the code and pastes it into a file, saves it, and runs it, which opens a private browser window. The speaker demonstrates the basic functionalities of the browser, such as searching and navigating websites. He then asks chat GPT to modify the code to add some basic functionalities such as go back and go forward buttons,s and a URL bar. He repeats the process of copying, pasting, and running the code, which results in a new version of the browser with these functionalities. He also suggests adding more functionalities like zoom in or zoom out, and open a new tab button. ChatGpt Tutorial Hub.