In a recent video released by The AI Advantage called “I Replaced 20,000 Jobs With ChatGPT Prompts,” they demonstrate a method that utilizes ChatGPT to complete various work-related tasks. The technique involves combining custom instructions with specific prompts to achieve job completion. The video, which starts at 0:00, provides detailed instructions on how to utilize the FreeStep system to replace thousands of jobs using ChatGPT. The system does not require technical knowledge and can be used with the free version of ChatGPT. It includes a Prompt Factory that generates highly specific prompts for any chosen assistant and boasts a database of 1,000 assistants and GPTs accessible on a custom website. The FreeStep system is presented as a powerful and user-friendly way to work with ChatGPT and revolutionize job tasks.

Replacing Jobs with ChatGPT using FreeStep System


The AI Advantage recently released a video titled “I Replaced 20,000 Jobs With ChatGPT Prompts”, which introduces an innovative method to complete work-related tasks using ChatGPT. This technique involves combining custom instructions with specific prompts to accomplish various jobs. The video tutorial covers the step-by-step process of using the FreeStep system, which enables users to identify and replace thousands of jobs within ChatGPT.

The video tutorial begins at 0:00 and aims to provide a comprehensive explanation of the FreeStep system. In this article, we will dive deeper into each section covered in the video, outlining the key points and expanding on the topics discussed.

Overview of ChatGPT and FreeStep System

To fully understand the FreeStep system, it is important to first get acquainted with ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text responses based on prompts provided to it. It has applications in various fields, including customer support, content writing, and more.

The FreeStep system is a method developed by The AI Advantage to leverage ChatGPT effectively for job-related tasks. It allows users to replace human jobs with AI-based assistants powered by ChatGPT. The system is designed to be user-friendly and does not require any technical knowledge to get started. It is compatible with the free version of ChatGPT, making it accessible to a wider audience.

How to Replace Thousands of Jobs with ChatGPT using FreeStep System

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How to Use the FreeStep System

Using the FreeStep system involves three key steps: choosing an assistant, activating the assistant within ChatGPT, and generating job tasks.

  1. Choosing an assistant: The FreeStep system provides a list of assistants, which are essentially different versions of ChatGPT tailored for specific job roles. Users can select an assistant that best fits their requirements from the provided list.

  2. Activating the assistant within ChatGPT: Once an assistant is chosen, it needs to be activated within the ChatGPT interface. This step allows users to access the capabilities and expertise of the selected assistant.

  3. Generating job tasks: With the assistant activated, users can use conversation starters or prompts to generate specific job tasks. These prompts serve as instructions for the assistant to perform the desired tasks efficiently.

Benefits of Using the FreeStep System

The FreeStep system offers several benefits for users who adopt it for their job-related tasks:

  1. Efficiency and automation: By leveraging ChatGPT through the FreeStep system, users can automate various job tasks, saving time and effort. The assistant can quickly generate responses and complete tasks, allowing users to focus on more strategic or complex aspects of their work.

  2. Time and cost savings: Replacing human jobs with ChatGPT assistants using the FreeStep system can result in significant time and cost savings. AI-powered assistants can work round the clock without the need for breaks or rest, enabling faster task completion and increased productivity.

  3. Reducing human error: With automated job completion, the chances of human error are significantly reduced. ChatGPT assistants can provide accurate and consistent responses, ensuring reliable outcomes for various job tasks.

  4. Increased scalability: The FreeStep system enables users to scale their operations easily. By leveraging AI-powered assistants, businesses can handle a higher volume of tasks and workload without the need for additional human resources.

  5. Improved productivity: With ChatGPT assistants taking care of repetitive or time-consuming tasks, users can focus on more creative and strategic aspects of their work. This helps boost overall productivity and encourages innovation.

How to Replace Thousands of Jobs with ChatGPT using FreeStep System

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Customizing Prompts and Personalizing Assistants

The FreeStep system allows users to customize prompts and personalize the ChatGPT assistants based on their specific job requirements. This customization enhances the performance and output of the AI assistants.

Instructions for customizing prompts are provided in the FreeStep system. Users can tailor the prompts to specific job tasks, providing clear and concise instructions to the assistant. This ensures that the generated responses and outcomes align with the desired objectives.

Additionally, the FreeStep system allows users to create personalized assistants. By customizing the prompts and setting up assistants specific to their needs, users can further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their AI-powered workforce.

Using the Prompt Factory

The FreeStep system includes a unique feature called the Prompt Factory. The Prompt Factory is a tool that generates highly specific prompts for any chosen assistant. This tool further enhances the accuracy and relevance of the prompts, enabling more targeted and efficient job task generation.

Exploring the Prompt Factory allows users to access a wide range of specific prompts tailored to various job roles. These prompts can be used to optimize the performance of the AI assistants and ensure that the generated responses align with the required job tasks.

Users can apply prompts from the Prompt Factory to different assistants based on their specific needs, further customizing the AI-powered workforce to maximize productivity and efficiency.

How to Replace Thousands of Jobs with ChatGPT using FreeStep System

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Accessing the Database of Assistants and GPTs

The FreeStep system offers access to a database of 1,000 assistants and GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers). This database can be accessed through a custom website provided by The AI Advantage.

The database includes a wide range of assistants and GPTs, each tailored for specific job roles and tasks. Users can search and select the most suitable assistant or GPT based on their requirements.

The custom website provides detailed assistant profiles, allowing users to assess the capabilities and expertise of each assistant. This helps users make informed decisions when choosing the right assistant for their specific job tasks.

Advantages of the FreeStep System

The FreeStep system offers several advantages that make it a powerful and frictionless approach to working with ChatGPT:

  1. Frictionless workflow: The FreeStep system is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to users with no technical knowledge. The straightforward steps and intuitive interface ensure a seamless experience when replacing jobs with AI-powered assistants.

  2. Scalability and flexibility: The FreeStep system enables users to scale their operations easily, thanks to the AI-powered assistants’ capability to handle a higher volume of tasks. The system can adapt to changing business needs, ensuring flexibility and adaptability in different job roles and industries.

  3. Wide range of job tasks: The FreeStep system covers a wide range of job tasks, making it suitable for various industries and professions. From customer support to content writing and more, the system’s assistants can perform diverse tasks, providing valuable assistance to users.

  4. Worldwide accessibility: The FreeStep system can be accessed worldwide, allowing users from different regions to leverage AI-powered assistants for their job-related tasks. This global accessibility ensures that the benefits of AI automation are available to a wide audience.

How to Replace Thousands of Jobs with ChatGPT using FreeStep System

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Examples and Case Studies

The video tutorial by The AI Advantage showcases the practical application of the FreeStep system with examples and case studies. These examples demonstrate how ChatGPT assistants can effectively replace human jobs and accomplish various tasks.

The video provides real-world scenarios where AI-powered assistants generate responses, analyze market trends, relay industry news, and perform other job-related tasks. These case studies highlight the efficiency, accuracy, and time-saving potential of the FreeStep system.


The FreeStep system offers a comprehensive and powerful approach to replacing jobs with ChatGPT assistants. By leveraging AI automation, users can achieve efficiency, save time and costs, reduce human error, and scale their operations effectively.

The impact of ChatGPT in job replacement is significant, and the FreeStep system provides a user-friendly solution to harness its potential. As AI technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for using ChatGPT assistants in a wide range of job tasks are vast.

With future prospects and developments in AI, the FreeStep system opens up new avenues for businesses and individuals to optimize their workflows and maximize productivity. By embracing AI-powered assistants, users can leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT to accomplish tasks faster, more accurately, and with increased efficiency.