In the article “How to Find Useful AI Tools Among the Many Options,” the video explores different tool databases and how to navigate them effectively. The first tool discussed is AI For That, which offers over 7,000 tools and allows users to sort by popularity and explore new releases. Another recommended database is Tools for Humans, which provides curated AI use cases and business toolkits. Future Tools, created by Matt Wolf, is also highlighted for its reliable recommendations. Future PDN is mentioned for its trending tools, recommended alternatives, and verified badge feature. Lastly, AI Tools, developed by Rasheed, is mentioned as a valuable tool database that offers the unique feature of filtering tools by the technologies used to build them. The video emphasizes the importance of using these databases to find AI tools that are specific to your needs and highlights various features and categories to help users make informed decisions.

AI For That

When it comes to finding useful AI tools among the overwhelming number of options available, it can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. That’s why tool databases are so valuable in helping us navigate through the sea of tools and find the ones that actually make sense for our specific use cases. In this article, we’ll explore different tool databases and highlight their unique features that set them apart from the rest.

How to Find Useful AI Tools Among the Many Options

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AI For That

One tool database that stands out is “AI For That.” With over 7,000 tools and an intuitive interface, this database is a great starting point for anyone looking for AI tools. One notable feature of AI For That is the ability to sort tools by “most saved.” While these may not necessarily be the best tools, they are popular among users, which can give you a sense of their worth. It’s always interesting to check in from time to time and see what tools are capturing the attention of the community.

Another useful feature of AI For That is the timeline, which displays new and interesting releases by days. This gives you a quick overview of the latest additions to the database. While not all of these tools may be useful, it’s still valuable to gain awareness of what’s new in the AI tool landscape. For example, you might come across free apps that have just been added, such as a tool that manages missed calls for businesses or a character clone based on Twitter.

One standout feature of AI For That is the Job Impact Index. This feature shows various jobs that will be affected by AI and allows you to click on them to explore the tasks associated with each job. The tasks are more universal than just the specific job, making it easier to find AI tools that can help with specific tasks. For example, if you need a meeting summarizer tool, you can simply click on the task and find options that fit your needs.

Tools for Humans

Another tool database worth exploring is “Tools for Humans.” With over 26,000 tools, this database may seem overwhelming at first. However, it offers valuable curated AI use cases that make it worth a visit. One unique feature of Tools for Humans is the AI use cases tab, where you can find recommendations for AI tools based on specific use cases. For example, if you’re looking for tools related to management roles, you can find different tasks that management could use within their workflow. These recommendations can be a valuable resource for finding tools that align with your specific needs.

In addition to the curated AI use cases, Tools for Humans also offers business toolkits. These toolkits are sorted by various business use cases, allowing you to explore different aspects of your business and find tools that can help with specific tasks. This focus on use cases makes Tools for Humans a valuable resource for anyone looking for AI tools to enhance their business operations.

Future Tools

One tool database that stands out for its reliable recommendations is “Future Tools.” Created by Matt Wolf, this database offers a curated list of tools that have been personally vetted by Matt. Known for his honesty and ethics, Matt’s picks provide a reliable starting point for your search. By filtering down from thousands of tools to a select few, Matt’s picks help you sift through the noise and focus on tools that are likely to be useful. Whether you’re looking for a translation tool or any other specific tool, narrowing down your options with Matt’s picks can save you time and effort.

Future PDN

If you’re looking for trending tools and alternative recommendations, “Future PDN” is a tool database that should be on your radar. With over 3,500 tools, Future PDN offers a good balance between variety and manageability. One interesting feature of Future PDN is the “Trending” section, which allows you to catch on to new tools that are gaining popularity. This can be a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the AI tool landscape.

Another useful feature of Future PDN is the “Recommendation” feature, which suggests other tools similar to the one you’re currently viewing. This can help you discover related tools that you may have missed in your search. Additionally, Future PDN offers a verified badge feature, which provides an additional layer of credibility to the tools listed in the database. By default, the database is sorted by verified tools, giving you greater confidence in their quality and reliability.

How to Find Useful AI Tools Among the Many Options

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AI Tools by Rasheed

“AI Tools” is another tool database created by Rasheed, known for his expertise in AI. While this database offers a comprehensive collection of tools, one unique feature sets it apart. AI Tools allows for easy categorization of tools based on the technologies used to build them. This feature is particularly helpful for users who have specific technology preferences or are looking for tools that leverage certain technologies. By filtering by technologies, you can quickly find tools that align with your requirements and preferences.

Categorization in the Database

The ability to categorize tools based on technologies used is a powerful feature offered by AI Tools. This feature allows for easy filtering and browsing through tools that utilize specific technologies. Whether you’re interested in tools built on natural language processing, computer vision, or any other technology, categorization makes it easier to find the tools that meet your needs. This level of categorization ensures that you can quickly discover tools that align with your desired technologies.

How to Find Useful AI Tools Among the Many Options

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Exploring Apps Built on Specific Technologies

Beyond categorization, AI Tools enables users to explore apps built on top of specific technologies. By clicking on a specific technology, you can view all the apps built on top of it. This feature is beneficial for both developers and non-developers who are interested in exploring the capabilities of different technologies. It allows for a deeper understanding of the practical applications and possibilities of specific technologies and how they can be leveraged to create useful tools and applications.

Filtering by Different Lenses

In addition to filtering by technology, AI Tools offers options to filter tools by different lenses, such as use case. This flexibility in filtering allows users to explore tools based on their specific needs and requirements. Whether you’re looking for tools related to customer service, marketing, data analysis, or any other use case, AI Tools provides a comprehensive database that can be filtered to match your preferences. This level of customization ensures you can find tools that are tailored to your unique use case.

How to Find Useful AI Tools Among the Many Options

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Weekly Newsletter

To stay updated with the latest AI tools, AI Tools offers a weekly newsletter. This newsletter provides a quick summary of useful AI tools, allowing you to stay informed without spending too much time searching through the database. The newsletter serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in discovering new tools and staying up-to-date with the evolving AI tool landscape.


When it comes to finding actually useful AI tools, navigating through the overwhelming number of options can be a challenge. However, with the help of tool databases like AI For That, Tools for Humans, Future Tools, Future PDN, and AI Tools, you can streamline your search and find tools that align with your specific needs and requirements. Whether you’re a developer or a non-developer, these databases offer valuable features that make it easier to discover and explore the vast world of AI tools. So, take advantage of these resources, filter through the options, and unlock the potential of AI tools for your projects and businesses.