The video demonstrates how to use OpenAI’s GPT-3 model to automate a task in Excel by writing a VBA script. The task being automated is adding the string “2022_” to the beginning of all file names in a specific folder that contains Excel files from many salespeople. The viewer is shown how to use GPT-3 to generate the VBA script, then how to copy and paste the code as a new module in the VBA editor of an Excel file, and how to change the folder path in the script so it runs on the correct folder. The video then shows how to use GPT-3 to modify the script so that it prompts the user to browse the folder, eliminating the need to manually edit the script each time. The video concludes by encouraging the viewer to like the video and subscribe to the channel, and to let the creator know in the comments what other boring tasks they would like to see automated. ChatGpt Tutorial Hub.