In the video titled “How I Make an App With ChatGPT (Without Knowing Code)” by AI Andy, the creator shares their experience of creating an app using ChatGPT without any prior coding knowledge. The video goes through the process of creating a Python script that captures screenshots with each mouse click, refining the script, and creating an .exe file. The content also emphasizes the use of ChatGPT for coding and troubleshooting errors, including copying and pasting error codes into ChatGPT for solutions. The creator encourages the audience to pursue their coding ideas and promises enjoyment in the process of creating their own app.

Throughout the video, AI Andy takes viewers step-by-step, providing detailed instructions and highlighting the importance of using Visual Studio Code for coding. The workflow involves refining the Python script, incorporating user feedback, and using ChatGPT as a valuable resource for improving the code. The end goal is to have a finished product with desired features, which can be turned into an executable (exe) file or even a Chrome extension. AI Andy’s experience serves as inspiration for those interested in coding and creating their own software, motivating them to explore their ideas and take the necessary steps to bring them to life.

Creating Build Folder and Recommended Method: Authors Experience

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1. Creating the Python Script

1.1 Setting up the Environment

To start creating your own app using ChatGPT without knowing how to code, you’ll first need to set up your environment. One of the essential tools you’ll need is Visual Studio Code (VSC), a popular code editor. If you don’t already have VSC installed, you can download it from their official website. Additionally, you’ll need to install the Python extension within VSC. You can do this by clicking on the extensions tab in VSC, searching for “Python,” and clicking on the install button. These tools will allow you to write and run Python scripts effectively during the app development process.

1.2 Capturing Screenshots with Mouse Clicks

The first step in creating your app is to write a Python script that captures a screenshot every time you click the mouse. This script will serve as the foundation for your app’s functionality. The script provided below can be copied and pasted into your Visual Studio Code editor:

import pyautogui counter = 1 while True: screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot()"screenshot.png") counter += 1 

This script utilizes the pyautogui library, which provides a way to programmatically control the mouse and keyboard. It creates an infinite loop that continuously captures screenshots when you click the mouse. Each screenshot is saved with a unique filename using a counter variable.

To run the script, open the terminal in VSC (View -> Terminal), navigate to the folder where the script is saved (using the cd command), and enter the command python, replacing “script_name” with the actual name of your script file. Now, every time you click the mouse, a screenshot will be captured and saved with an incrementing filename.

2. Refining the Script

2.1 Using Visual Studio Code

Now that you have the basic functionality of capturing screenshots with mouse clicks, it’s time to refine and improve the script. Visual Studio Code will be your go-to tool for making changes to the code.

Open the Python script file in Visual Studio Code by clicking File -> Open and selecting the file. You can now modify the code and make the desired improvements.

2.2 Addressing Naming and Stopping Issues

One issue with the initial script is that every screenshot is named “screenshot.png.” This naming convention can be confusing and will result in overwritten screenshots. To address this issue, you can modify the script to include the counter variable in the filename. This way, each screenshot will have a unique name.

Additionally, the initial script lacks a stop button functionality. It’s essential to have a way to stop the script when needed. You can add a condition to check for a specific key combination, such as pressing Control + Alt + L, to stop the script execution.

2.3 Utilizing ChatGPT for Guidance

If you encounter any difficulties during the refinement process or need guidance on how to address specific issues, you can turn to ChatGPT for help. Copy the error messages or the specific code block causing the problem and paste it into ChatGPT for a solution. ChatGPT will provide suggestions and code snippets to help you overcome coding challenges and refine your script effectively.

3. Saving the Refined Code

3.1 Pasting Code Back into Visual Studio Code

Once you have refined and improved the script with the help of ChatGPT or through your own modifications, it’s time to paste the code back into Visual Studio Code. Make sure to save the changes by pressing Control + S or using the save option in the editor.

3.2 Saving and Organizing the Code

Having a well-organized codebase is crucial for easy maintenance and future enhancements. Create a dedicated folder on your computer to store your app’s code. Within this folder, save the Python script file containing your refined code. Consider creating separate folders for other files, such as additional scripts or any necessary resources, to keep everything organized and easily accessible.

4. Using Chat GPT for Troubleshooting

4.1 Copying and Pasting Error Messages

Throughout the coding process, it’s common to encounter error messages. These error messages provide valuable information about what went wrong with your code. When you encounter an error, copy the error message and any accompanying traceback information.

4.2 Seeking Solutions through Chat GPT

With the error message copied, you can paste it into ChatGPT to seek a solution. ChatGPT will help analyze the error and provide suggestions on how to resolve it. You can engage in a conversation with ChatGPT, asking follow-up questions and clarifications, to ensure you understand the suggested solution correctly.

4.3 Possible Additional Installations

In some cases, resolving an error may require additional software installations or library installations in the Python environment. ChatGPT can guide you through the installation process if necessary. Pay attention to any recommendations or instructions provided, ensuring you follow them accurately to resolve the issue.

Creating Build Folder and Recommended Method: Authors Experience

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5. Iterative Process with Code Editor and Chat GPT

5.1 Back-and-Forth Interaction

As you continue to refine your code and encounter new challenges, expect to engage in a back-and-forth process between your code editor and ChatGPT. Make changes to your code in the editor based on the suggestions and solutions provided by ChatGPT. Test your code, and if new issues arise, repeat the process of copying error messages, seeking guidance from ChatGPT, and making necessary adjustments.

5.2 Implementing Code Changes

Throughout this iterative process, remember to implement the changes recommended by ChatGPT or any modifications you feel are necessary based on your own understanding. This will help you continuously improve and refine your code.

5.3 Testing and Verifying Results

After making code changes, it’s crucial to test and verify the results. Run your script again and ensure that the desired functionality is working as expected. By thoroughly testing and verifying the results, you can identify any potential issues early on and make necessary corrections.

6. UI Improvement Request

6.1 Request for a Stop Button

Based on the refinement process, you identified the need for a stop button to provide a more user-friendly experience. A stop button would allow users to halt the script’s execution without having to rely on key combinations. Consider implementing this feature to enhance the usability of your app.

6.2 Enhancing User Experience

In addition to the stop button functionality, there may be other ways to enhance the user experience of your app. Consider incorporating features such as progress indicators, user-friendly messages, or customizable settings to make your app more intuitive and enjoyable to use.

Creating Build Folder and Recommended Method: Authors Experience

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7. Coding Process Satisfaction

7.1 Excitement and Joy of Creating

Throughout the entire coding process, it’s natural to experience a sense of excitement and joy. As you see your app taking shape and the functionality improving, it can be incredibly rewarding. Embrace this feeling and let it motivate you to continue exploring and expanding your coding skills.

7.2 Overcoming Challenges

Coding is not without its challenges, but with perseverance and the right resources, you can overcome them. Don’t get discouraged when you encounter difficulties or face roadblocks. Instead, view each challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. The process of finding solutions and refining your code will ultimately make you a more skilled and confident developer.

8. Finalizing the Product

8.1 Desired Features and Functionality

As you near the final stages of app development, it’s essential to ensure that your app includes all the desired features and functionality. Review your initial goals and requirements and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that your app delivers on its intended purpose.

8.2 Turning the Code into an Executable

Once you are satisfied with the functionality and performance of your app, you may consider turning your Python script into an executable file (.exe). This will allow users to run the app without needing to have Python or any dependencies installed on their machines. There are various tools and libraries available that can help you convert your script into an executable file.

8.3 Exploring Chrome Extension Option

In addition to creating an executable file, you may also explore the option of creating a Chrome extension. If your app’s functionality is primarily focused on capturing screenshots within a web browser, a Chrome extension can provide a more seamless and integrated user experience. Research the development process for creating Chrome extensions and determine if it aligns with your app’s goals.

Creating Build Folder and Recommended Method: Authors Experience

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9. Create Build Folder

9.1 Understanding the Purpose of a Build Folder

As you finalize your app and prepare it for distribution, it’s important to create a build folder. A build folder is a designated location where all the necessary files and resources for your app are stored. This includes the executable file, any dependencies, configuration files, and any additional assets required for the app to run properly.

9.2 Recommended Method for Creating Build Folder

To create a build folder, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new folder on your computer with an appropriate name, such as “Build” or “Distribution.”
  2. Copy the executable file and any necessary dependencies into this folder.
  3. Include any additional files or resources that your app requires to run successfully.
  4. Organize the files within the folder to make it easy for users to understand the structure and locate the necessary files.


In conclusion, creating an app using ChatGPT without prior coding knowledge is an achievable feat. By following a structured process and employing tools like Visual Studio Code and ChatGPT, you can go from an app idea to a finished product. Throughout the process, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from ChatGPT when encountering coding challenges or refining your script. Remember to save and organize your code effectively, continuously test and verify your results, and incorporate user-friendly features to enhance the overall user experience. Finally, don’t forget to enjoy the journey and keep pursuing your coding ideas with enthusiasm and determination.