The speaker in the YouTube video explains how to build a notepad clone using chat GPT and python. He goes to the chat GPT website, and types “build a notepad app for Windows using python” and chat GPT writes the code for him. The code is using the kinter module for a graphical user interface and includes basic functionalities like a text area for the user, a save file function, an open file function, and a clear function. He also creates some menus like a file menu and an edit menu. He copies the code and pastes it into a file and runs it. The notepad clone is then shown on the screen and it includes functionalities like saving and opening files and modifying and clearing the text. The speaker demonstrates how to save and open files, and modify and clear the text and the notepad app is ready to use. The speaker concludes that this is a simple notepad app that can be built in a minute using chat GPT.  ChatGpt Tutorial Hub.