In this video, the creator demonstrates how to use ChatGPT to create a basic calculator website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The creator types “create calculator website using HTML CSS and JavaScript” into the ChatGPT website, which generates the HTML code for the index.html file in a matter of seconds. The creator then copies the HTML code and pastes it into an index.html file, which is then opened in a web browser to show the layout of the calculator. Next, the creator generates the CSS code by typing “code for CSS” into ChatGPT, which also generates the CSS code in a matter of seconds. The CSS code is then copied and pasted into a style.css file. Finally, the creator generates the JavaScript code to make the calculator functional by typing “code for JavaScript” into ChatGPT. The JavaScript code is then copied and pasted into a script.js file. The final result is a fully functioning calculator website that was created in less than one minute using ChatGPT. ChatGpt Tutorial Hub.

ChatGPT Prompts

  • Create calculator website using HTML CSS and Javascript separate file