The video demonstrates how to use ChatGPT, a language model, to convert a CSV file to a JSON file using Python. The video starts by showing an example of a CSV file called “data.csv” that needs to be converted to “data.json”. Instead of searching for solutions on Google, the video suggests using ChatGPT to generate the code needed to convert the file. The user types “write code to convert data.csv file into data.json file using Python” and ChatGPT generates the code in a matter of seconds. The user copies the code and pastes it into a Python file, runs the file, and a JSON file called “data.json” is generated. The video also shows how to open and reformat the JSON file to make it more readable. The video concludes by mentioning that this process can be applied to different file conversions such as JSON to CSV, PNG to JPEG, PDF to DOCS, and CSV to XML. ChatGpt Tutorial Hub