In this video, we will demonstrate how to use ChatGPT to construct an application by interacting with it through natural language conversations. ChatGPT is an advanced language model that can simplify the development process and make it more efficient, allowing developers to bring their ideas to fruition faster and with less effort. With its powerful language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can assist developers in various tasks such as code generation, testing, and debugging. By enabling developers to communicate with the model in natural language, it can improve the developer’s productivity and make the development process more intuitive. It’s also a glimpse of the future of software development, as it shows how AI can assist and augment human capabilities. ChatGPT’s ability to understand and generate natural language makes it a valuable tool for developers who want to increase their efficiency and bring their ideas to life more quickly. Overall this chatGPT tutorial is showcasing how ChatGPT can be used to build an application from scratch, streamlining the development process and making it more intuitive for the developer.