The video provides a tutorial on how to build and sell an API using ChatGPT and the RapidAPI marketplace. The video explains that RapidAPI is a marketplace for buying and selling APIs and that many APIs are making a lot of money through subscription plans. The video shows examples of different types of APIs, such as a Football Livescore API and a Weather API. The video then explains how to build an API using ChatGPT, specifically by writing code for a Python Flask API server that takes GET requests with a URL as a string, converts it to a QR code image, and sends it back as an API response. The video explains how to test the API locally and then how to deploy it to the cloud using a platform such as Python Anywhere. The video also explains how to publish the API on the RapidAPI website and how to set pricing plans for customers. The video concludes by showing how to find the newly created API on the RapidAPI website. ChatGpt Tutorial Hub