In the video “AI SEO: How I Automated 15,000+ Internal Links for 42 Sites In 3 Mins,” Julian Goldie discusses the power of AI in improving SEO rankings and website crawlability through internal linking. He demonstrates how to use Chat GPT and a Google Sheet formula to extract relevant anchor text from a list of URLs, which is then used to create internal links using the Link Whisper plugin. Goldie emphasizes the importance of maintaining a human touch alongside AI tools for optimal results in SEO optimization. He also stresses the need for thorough research and understanding the potential risks of using AI-generated content for SEO. By following his strategies, viewers can tailor their approach to meet individual SEO needs, whether managing one site or multiple sites, and witness real-life SEO improvements and test results. Goldie encourages viewers to subscribe and stay updated on the latest SEO strategies by subscribing to his channel.

In this fascinating video, Julian Goldie takes you through the process of automating internal links using AI and Chat GPT. By optimizing your website’s internal linking structure, you can improve SEO rankings and make it easier for Google to crawl and index relevant pages. Goldie shares a Google Sheet formula that extracts anchor text from a list of URLs and demonstrates how to use the Link Whisper plugin to implement internal links quickly and efficiently. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between AI and human touch for optimal results in SEO optimization. By following his strategies and conducting thorough research, you can transform your website’s internal linking strategy and enhance its long-term ranking potential.

AI-powered internal linking can improve SEO rankings and website crawlability

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AI-powered internal linking

Overview of AI-powered internal linking

AI-powered internal linking is a cutting-edge technique that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the process of creating and implementing internal links on websites. Internal linking plays a crucial role in improving SEO rankings and website crawlability, as it helps search engine crawlers discover and navigate through different pages on a website. By leveraging AI technology, website owners can streamline the internal linking process, optimize their website’s architecture, and ultimately enhance their website’s visibility and search engine performance.

Benefits of AI-powered internal linking

The benefits of using AI-powered internal linking are numerous. Firstly, it saves time and effort by automating the internal linking process, eliminating the need for manual link creation and implementation. This allows website owners to focus on other important aspects of their SEO strategy. Additionally, AI-powered internal linking can improve SEO rankings by creating a well-structured internal linking system that guides search engine crawlers and improves website crawlability. By implementing effective internal links, website owners can increase their website’s visibility and organic traffic, leading to higher search rankings and a greater online presence.

Using ChatGPT to automate internal links

ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model created by OpenAI that can be used to automate internal links. By utilizing ChatGPT, website owners can extract relevant anchor text from a list of URLs and use this information to create internal links on their website. This process involves using a Google Sheet formula to extract the most relevant words for anchor text and then setting up internal links at scale using a plugin called Link Whisper. ChatGPT offers a streamlined and efficient way to automate the internal linking process, saving time and improving the overall effectiveness of SEO strategies.

Understanding the potential risks of AI-generated content for SEO

While AI-powered internal linking offers many benefits, it is important to understand the potential risks associated with AI-generated content for SEO. AI models like ChatGPT produce content based on patterns and data, but they can sometimes generate inaccurate or irrelevant information. It is crucial to conduct thorough research and validate the content generated by AI models before implementing it on a website. Website owners should also be aware of potential issues with duplicate content and ensure that the AI-generated content complies with SEO best practices. By understanding and mitigating these risks, website owners can reap the benefits of AI-powered internal linking while maintaining a high level of quality and accuracy in their content.

Improving SEO rankings

Importance of SEO rankings

SEO rankings play a vital role in the success of a website. When a website ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), it is more likely to receive organic traffic and attract potential customers or readers. Higher rankings also contribute to increased visibility and brand awareness. Search engine optimization (SEO) techniques aim to improve a website’s rankings by optimizing its content, structure, and various other factors that search engines consider when determining search rankings.

Tips for optimizing websites for Google’s crawlers

Optimizing websites for Google’s crawlers is a crucial step in improving SEO rankings. Google’s crawlers, also known as spiders or bots, scan websites to understand their content and rank them accordingly. To optimize a website for Google’s crawlers, website owners can follow several key tips:

  1. Publish high-quality, relevant, and original content: Google values websites that offer valuable, unique, and relevant content to their users. By consistently publishing high-quality content, website owners can increase their chances of ranking well in search results.

  2. Use relevant keywords: Conduct keyword research to identify the terms and phrases that users commonly search for in your industry. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your website’s content, headings, titles, and meta descriptions.

  3. Optimize website structure and navigation: Ensure that your website has a clear and logical structure that makes it easy for both users and search engine crawlers to navigate. Use descriptive and keyword-rich anchor text for internal links to help crawlers understand the context of linked pages.

  4. Optimize page load speed: Improve your website’s load speed by optimizing image size, minimizing code and scripts, and utilizing caching techniques. Faster-loading websites are more likely to rank higher in search results.

  5. Mobile optimization: With the majority of internet users accessing websites through mobile devices, it is essential to optimize your website for mobile responsiveness. A mobile-friendly website is more likely to rank well in search results and provide a positive user experience.

  6. Build high-quality backlinks: Earn backlinks from reputable and relevant websites within your industry. Backlinks act as a vote of confidence for your website, indicating to search engines that your content is trustworthy and valuable.

Real-life SEO improvements and test results

Real-life case studies and test results demonstrate the effectiveness of implementing SEO strategies. By optimizing their websites for search engine crawlers and following best practices, website owners have seen significant improvements in their SEO rankings. Improved rankings have resulted in increased organic traffic, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, business growth. These positive outcomes highlight the importance of investing time and effort into SEO optimization.

Tailoring strategies to meet individual SEO needs

It is important to consider individual SEO needs when implementing optimization strategies. Each website and industry is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It is crucial to conduct thorough research, analyze competitors, and understand target audiences to tailor SEO strategies effectively. By taking a personalized approach, website owners can optimize their websites in a way that aligns with their specific goals and desired outcomes.

Enhancing website crawlability

Understanding website crawlability

Website crawlability refers to the ease with which search engine crawlers can navigate and analyze a website’s content. By understanding how search engine crawlers read and interpret websites, website owners can optimize their website’s crawlability and improve their chances of higher search rankings. Crawlers follow links, scan content, and index pages to determine their relevancy and quality. Enhancing website crawlability ensures that search engine crawlers can easily discover and index relevant pages.

Impact of internal linking on crawlability

Internal linking plays a significant role in enhancing website crawlability. By strategically linking pages within a website, website owners can guide search engine crawlers to discover and index relevant pages more effectively. Internal links act as a roadmap for crawlers, allowing them to navigate through a website’s structure and understand the relationship between different pages. Additionally, internal links distribute authority and PageRank throughout a website, ensuring that all pages are easily accessible and visible to search engines.

Optimizing website architecture for better crawlability

Optimizing website architecture is essential for improving crawlability. Website owners should focus on creating a logical and organized structure that allows search engine crawlers to navigate through the website efficiently. Some tips for optimizing website architecture include:

  1. Creating a clear hierarchy: Divide website content into categories and subcategories, ensuring that each page has a designated place within the hierarchy.

  2. Using descriptive URLs: Utilize descriptive and keyword-rich URLs that provide information about the page’s content.

  3. Implementing breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs provide easy navigation paths for both users and search engine crawlers, offering a clear understanding of a page’s position within the website structure.

  4. Generating an XML sitemap: XML sitemaps are a crucial tool for search engine crawlers, as they provide a comprehensive list of all the pages on a website. Submitting an XML sitemap to search engines ensures that all pages are crawled and indexed.

  5. Optimizing robots.txt: The robots.txt file instructs search engine crawlers on which pages to crawl and index. Optimizing this file ensures that crawlers focus on relevant pages and avoid crawling unnecessary or duplicate content.

By optimizing website architecture and ensuring efficient crawlability, website owners can improve their website’s search engine visibility, ranking, and overall SEO performance.

Implementing internal links

Introduction to Link Whisper

Link Whisper is a powerful plugin that simplifies the process of creating and implementing internal links on a website. It utilizes AI technology to analyze existing content and suggest relevant internal link opportunities. Link Whisper also provides an intuitive interface that allows website owners to manage and control their internal linking strategy effectively.

Benefits of using Link Whisper

Using Link Whisper offers several benefits for implementing internal links. These include:

  1. Time-saving automation: Link Whisper automates the process of identifying relevant internal link opportunities, saving website owners valuable time and effort.

  2. Improved website structure: By suggesting internal link opportunities, Link Whisper helps optimize a website’s structure, ensuring that all pages are well-connected and easily accessible to search engine crawlers.

  3. Effective anchor text optimization: Link Whisper provides recommendations for anchor text, allowing website owners to optimize their internal links and improve the relevance and visibility of their content.

  4. Enhanced user experience: Well-implemented internal links improve the user experience, making it easier for visitors to navigate through a website and discover relevant content.

Using Link Whisper for quick and efficient internal linking

Using Link Whisper is a straightforward process. After installing and activating the plugin, website owners can access Link Whisper’s user-friendly interface. The plugin analyzes the website’s existing content and suggests relevant internal link opportunities based on context and relevance. Website owners can review the suggestions and easily add internal links to their content with just a few clicks. Link Whisper streamlines the internal linking process, allowing website owners to create an efficient and well-connected website structure in a quick and hassle-free manner.

Link Whisper and AI-powered internal linking

Link Whisper aligns perfectly with the concept of AI-powered internal linking. By utilizing AI technology, the plugin analyzes website content and suggests relevant internal link opportunities. Through this integration, website owners can combine the efficiency and automation of AI-powered internal linking with the intuitive interface and features of Link Whisper. This synergy allows for a seamless and effective internal linking strategy that enhances SEO rankings, website crawlability, and overall user experience.

AI-powered internal linking can improve SEO rankings and website crawlability

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Automating internal links with ChatGPT

Overview of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to process and generate natural language responses based on user input. ChatGPT utilizes cutting-edge machine learning techniques and a vast amount of data to generate human-like text and engage in conversational interactions.

Using ChatGPT for automating internal links

ChatGPT can be used to automate the process of creating internal links by extracting anchor text from a list of URLs. By providing a set of URLs to ChatGPT, website owners can extract relevant keywords or phrases to be used as anchor text for internal links. This process significantly streamlines the internal linking process and ensures that the anchor text is contextually relevant to the linked pages.

The process of extracting anchor text from URLs

To extract anchor text from URLs using ChatGPT, a Google Sheet formula can be utilized. The formula is designed to extract the most relevant one to two words from each URL and convert them into anchor text. This formula leverages ChatGPT’s AI capabilities to analyze the content of the URLs and generate appropriate anchor text suggestions.

Creating internal links using extracted anchor text

Once the anchor text has been extracted using ChatGPT and the Google Sheet formula, website owners can use a plugin like Link Whisper to create internal links. By implementing the extracted anchor text as the clickable text for internal links, website owners can automate the internal linking process and optimize their website’s architecture for better SEO rankings and crawlability.

Impact on SEO rankings and organic traffic

Benefits of automated internal linking for SEO rankings

Automated internal linking offers several benefits for improving SEO rankings. By implementing an optimized internal linking structure, website owners can enhance their website’s visibility to search engine crawlers. When crawlers find well-implemented internal links, they can better understand the website’s structure and the relationship between different pages. This improved understanding can positively impact search rankings by signaling to search engines that the website is well-organized and valuable to users.

Increase in organic traffic through automated internal linking

Automated internal linking can lead to an increase in organic traffic as it improves a website’s crawlability and visibility in search results. When search engine crawlers can easily navigate through a website and discover relevant pages, it increases the likelihood of those pages being indexed and shown in search results. With more indexed pages and improved search rankings, the website becomes more visible to users searching for related topics, leading to increased organic traffic.

Case studies and real-life examples

Real-life case studies and examples have demonstrated the positive impact of automated internal linking on SEO rankings and organic traffic. By implementing effective internal linking strategies, website owners have reported significant improvements in their website’s search rankings and increased organic traffic. These results validate the importance of automated internal linking and its role in maximizing a website’s SEO potential.

AI-powered internal linking can improve SEO rankings and website crawlability

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Maintaining a human touch

Importance of human touch in SEO optimization

While AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and Link Whisper offer powerful automation capabilities for SEO optimization, maintaining a human touch is crucial for optimal results. AI tools can provide efficiency and automation, but human involvement allows for critical thinking, creativity, and a deep understanding of the website’s goals and target audience. By combining the strengths of AI technology and human expertise, website owners can achieve the best possible SEO results.

Balancing AI tools with human involvement

Website owners should strike a balance between leveraging AI tools and human involvement. While AI can automate certain tasks and streamline processes, it is essential for humans to oversee and validate the results. Human involvement ensures the accuracy, relevance, and quality of AI-generated content and strategies. Evaluating AI-generated recommendations, conducting thorough research, and making informed decisions based on human expertise contribute to the overall success of SEO optimization efforts.

Strategies for combining AI and human input

To effectively combine AI and human input in SEO optimization, website owners can follow a few key strategies:

  1. Thoroughly review AI-generated content: Before implementing AI-generated content on a website, conduct a thorough review to ensure its accuracy, relevance, and adherence to SEO best practices.

  2. Validate AI-generated recommendations: Use human expertise to validate and verify the recommendations generated by AI tools. This helps to ensure that the strategies align with the website’s goals and target audience.

  3. Regularly monitor and analyze results: Continuously monitor and analyze the impact of AI-generated strategies on SEO rankings and organic traffic. Adjust and refine the strategies based on the insights and data collected.

By implementing these strategies, website owners can harness the power of AI tools while maintaining a human touch to achieve optimal results in SEO optimization.


Summary of AI-powered internal linking

AI-powered internal linking offers a revolutionary approach to improving SEO rankings and website crawlability. By using AI technologies like ChatGPT and Link Whisper, website owners can automate the process of creating internal links, enhance website structure, and increase the visibility of their content to search engine crawlers. AI-powered internal linking saves time, improves SEO rankings, and contributes to increased organic traffic and business growth.

Benefits for SEO rankings and website crawlability

The use of AI-powered internal linking provides several benefits for SEO rankings and website crawlability. By automating the internal linking process, website owners can optimize their website’s architecture, enhance crawlability, and improve their website’s visibility to search engines. With higher search rankings and better crawlability, websites are more likely to attract organic traffic, increase user engagement, and achieve improved SEO performance.

Importance of maintaining a human touch

While AI technology plays a significant role in optimizing internal linking and SEO strategies, it is crucial to maintain a human touch for optimal results. Human involvement ensures the accuracy, relevance, and quality of AI-generated content and strategies. Combining AI tools with human expertise allows website owners to make informed decisions, analyze data, and tailor strategies to meet individual SEO needs effectively.

Encouragement to subscribe for latest SEO strategies

To stay updated on the latest SEO strategies, website owners are encouraged to subscribe to channels, blogs, and newsletters that provide valuable insights and recommendations. The ever-evolving nature of SEO requires continuous learning and adaptation. By staying informed, website owners can implement the most effective strategies and stay ahead of the competition in the dynamic world of SEO.

AI-powered internal linking can improve SEO rankings and website crawlability

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