In the video titled “10 New GPT Apps Utilizing ChatGPT’s Latest Updates” by AI Andy, you’ll find a fascinating showcase of 10 innovative GPT apps built using the newest updates of ChatGPT. The video kicks off with a demonstration of a GPT app that can identify different parts of an image. It then moves on to highlight an AI sports narrator created using GPT vision and text-to-speech, an AI tool called Robin AI for simplifying contract creation, and a chat with webcam app that allows users to ask questions about images displayed on a webcam. The video also explores experiments with OpenAI’s new text-to-speech model, GPT Turbo’s incredible speed and expanded token limit, the development of an AI travel assistant app, a custom GPT for optimizing social media posts, integrating data from Nomad List into a chatbot called Nomad GPT, and the introduction of, a custom GPT agent with long-term memory and task tracking capabilities.

Furthermore, the video includes exciting visuals and demonstrations of each app, providing viewers with an engaging overview of the GPT apps built on ChatGPT’s latest updates. Stay tuned till the end for a surprise favorite example. This captivating video by AI Andy showcases the creative ways in which developers are leveraging ChatGPT’s latest updates to build groundbreaking GPT apps.

Example 1: GPT Image Identifier

Introduction to the app

The GPT Image Identifier is an innovative application that leverages the power of ChatGPT’s newest updates to accurately identify different parts of an image. With this app, you can easily obtain information about specific regions, objects, or elements within an image by simply dragging and selecting the area of interest.

How it works

Using the GPT Vision model, the app analyzes the selected image and generates answers based on the context and content of the image. Whether it’s identifying the region of a joint in a medical image or recognizing objects like a car’s orange stick or an oil dipstick, the GPT Image Identifier can provide accurate and precise information.


One of the key features of this app is its ability to interpret and analyze the text present on the webpage where the image is displayed. By taking into account the surrounding text, the app can offer more contextually relevant answers. Additionally, the GPT Image Identifier also allows users to take screenshots and receive stress relief tips based on the captured image.


The GPT Image Identifier offers several benefits to its users. Firstly, it simplifies the process of obtaining information about specific regions or objects within an image, eliminating the need for manual search or analysis. Secondly, by considering the text surrounding the image, the app provides more accurate and informative answers. Lastly, the ability to capture screenshots and receive stress relief tips adds an interactive and personalized touch to the user experience.

Example 2: AI Sports Narrator

Overview of the app

The AI Sports Narrator is an exciting application built using the GPT Vision and text-to-speech capabilities. This app allows users to create captivating sports commentary by combining GPT Vision’s object recognition with text-to-speech technology.

Integration of GPT vision and text-to-speech

The AI Sports Narrator utilizes GPT Vision’s ability to recognize various objects and elements within a video. When combined with text-to-speech technology, it enables the app to generate real-time sports commentary based on the actions and events happening in the video.

Use cases

This app has a wide range of potential use cases. Sports broadcasters and content creators can utilize the AI Sports Narrator to enhance their live coverage or pre-recorded videos with professional-sounding commentary. Additionally, sports enthusiasts can also make use of this app to create personalized highlight reels or share exciting moments from a game.


By leveraging GPT Vision’s object recognition and text-to-speech technology, the AI Sports Narrator offers several advantages. It provides a convenient and efficient way to generate sports commentary without the need for manual transcription or editing. The app also allows for customization, enabling users to choose the style, tone, and language of the generated commentary. Overall, the AI Sports Narrator enhances the sports viewing experience and opens up new possibilities for sports content creation.

10 New GPT Apps Utilizing ChatGPTs Latest Updates

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Example 3: Robin AI Contract Creator

Description of Robin AI

Robin AI is an AI-powered contract creation tool designed to simplify the process of creating contracts. This innovative application leverages the capabilities of GPT and natural language processing to generate comprehensive contracts based on user inputs.

Simplifying contract creation

With Robin AI, creating contracts becomes a hassle-free task. Users can choose from various contract templates, such as employment contracts, NDAs, or supplier agreements. They can then customize these templates by providing relevant information such as effective dates, recipient addresses, and company registrations. The app quickly generates a complete contract with all the necessary details.

Key features

One of the key features of Robin AI is its ability to suggest edits and improvements to uploaded contracts. By analyzing the content of the contract, the app can identify potential issues or clauses that may require revision. Additionally, Robin AI also provides an AI chatbot feature that allows users to ask questions and seek further clarification about the contract.


Robin AI offers numerous benefits to its users. Firstly, it saves time and effort by automating the process of contract creation. Users no longer need to start from scratch or rely heavily on legal expertise. Secondly, the suggested edits feature ensures that contracts are more accurate and up-to-date, reducing the risk of errors or omissions. Lastly, the AI chatbot provides an extra layer of support and guidance throughout the contract creation process.

Example 4: Webcam Chat with Image Analysis

Introduction to the webcam chat app

The Webcam Chat with Image Analysis app takes video chatting to a whole new level. With this app, users can engage in real-time conversations while also analyzing and discussing images captured through their webcam.

Analyzing images through webcam

By incorporating image analysis capabilities, this app allows users to ask questions about an image displayed on their webcam. Simply by typing a prompt such as “What do you see?”, the app uses GPT Vision to interpret the image and provide a detailed response. Whether it’s recognizing objects, people, or actions, the app can provide accurate and informative answers.

User interaction and question system

The Webcam Chat with Image Analysis app facilitates seamless user interaction by integrating a question system. This system allows users to ask specific questions about the image, expanding the possibilities for meaningful conversations. Users can explore various topics, seek information, or engage in discussions based on the analyzed image.

Advantages and limitations

One of the main advantages of this app is the real-time image analysis feature, which enhances the quality and depth of conversations. It allows users to share their surroundings, explore visual concepts, and gain valuable insights. However, it’s important to note that the accuracy of image analysis heavily relies on the quality of the webcam and the clarity of the captured image. Factors such as lighting conditions and image resolution can affect the app’s performance. Nonetheless, the Webcam Chat with Image Analysis app opens up exciting new opportunities for interactive and visually engaging conversations.

10 New GPT Apps Utilizing ChatGPTs Latest Updates

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Example 5: Experimenting with Text-to-Speech Model

Overview of the experiment

In this experiment, we explore the application of OpenAI’s new text-to-speech model. By utilizing the OpenAI API and the provided text-to-speech models, we test the capabilities and performance of the system in generating natural-sounding speech based on textual inputs.

Application of OpenAI’s new text-to-speech model

With the text-to-speech model, users can convert written text into speech with remarkable clarity and naturalness. From creating voiceovers for videos to developing voice-activated assistants, the possibilities are endless. This experiment explores how well the model can handle various types of text, including jokes, dialogues, and informative content.

Results and findings

Based on our experiments, the text-to-speech model demonstrates impressive performance in generating high-quality speech. The system can accurately capture the nuances of the text, including tone, emotions, and emphasis, resulting in a more engaging and human-like listening experience. The experiment also highlights the flexibility of the model, as it can adapt to different languages and styles of speech.

Future possibilities

The capabilities of the text-to-speech model pave the way for exciting future possibilities. The technology can be leveraged in various applications, such as audiobook production, language learning, and accessibility services for individuals with visual impairments. As the model continues to evolve and improve, we can expect even greater advancements in the field of text-to-speech synthesis.

Example 6: GPT Turbo – Faster ChatGPT

Introduction to GPT Turbo

GPT Turbo is a new and improved version of ChatGPT that offers enhanced performance and speed. This upgraded variant of ChatGPT addresses the token limit constraints of its predecessor, allowing for longer and more comprehensive conversations.

Features and improvements

One of the notable features of GPT Turbo is its significantly increased token limit, which now stands at 128,000 tokens. This expanded capacity enables users to have more extended and detailed interactions with the model. Additionally, GPT Turbo also improves upon the model’s ability to remember and refer back to previous parts of the conversation, resulting in a more coherent and context-aware dialogue.

Increased token limit

By raising the token limit, GPT Turbo opens up new possibilities for complex conversations, story generation, and even development of more advanced applications. The increased token limit allows users to have back-and-forth exchanges, explore nuanced topics, and create more interactive and dynamic interactions with the model.

Performance and user feedback

Initial feedback from users experimenting with GPT Turbo has been positive. The enhanced speed and improved token limit have resulted in faster response times and more engaging conversations. Users appreciate the model’s improved ability to maintain context and coherence, making it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications.

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Example 7: AI Travel Assistant

Overview of the travel assistant app

The AI Travel Assistant is a comprehensive application designed to provide users with personalized travel recommendations and assistance. By leveraging AI and machine learning, this app offers a one-stop solution for all travel-related queries and needs.

Functions and capabilities

The AI Travel Assistant offers a wide range of functions and capabilities to enhance the travel experience. Users can ask for personalized recommendations on destinations, accommodations, attractions, and activities based on their preferences and interests. The app also provides real-time information on weather, transportation, and local events, ensuring that users have all the necessary information at their fingertips.

Personalized recommendations

One of the key features of the AI Travel Assistant is its ability to provide highly tailored recommendations. By analyzing user preferences, travel history, and feedback, the app can generate personalized suggestions that cater to individual needs and preferences. This feature enables users to discover hidden gems, explore niche interests, and make the most of their travel experiences.

User experience and benefits

The AI Travel Assistant offers numerous benefits to travelers. It simplifies the planning process by providing comprehensive and relevant information in one place. The personalized recommendations ensure that users can make informed decisions and have unique and memorable travel experiences. Additionally, the app’s real-time updates and assistance ensure that users can navigate unfamiliar destinations with ease and confidence.

Example 8: Custom GPT for Maximum Engagement

Introduction to the custom GPT

The Custom GPT for Maximum Engagement is a specialized version of GPT designed to optimize social media posts for maximum engagement. This custom chatbot model incorporates advanced algorithms and strategies to help content creators create compelling and impactful social media content.

Optimizing social media posts

The Custom GPT utilizes machine learning techniques and vast amounts of data to analyze and understand the patterns, preferences, and behaviors of social media users. Based on this analysis, the model generates tailored suggestions and recommendations for creating engaging and high-performing social media posts. It takes into account factors such as content, tone, timing, and visual elements to optimize the impact of each post.

Algorithms and strategies for engagement

The Custom GPT incorporates sophisticated algorithms that consider various factors associated with social media engagement. From analyzing user demographics to understanding trending topics and hashtags, the model provides valuable insights and guidance to content creators. It guides them in crafting posts that resonate with their target audience and maximize engagement.

Success stories and measurable results

Numerous content creators have reported significant improvements in their social media engagement after utilizing the Custom GPT. By following the model’s recommendations and incorporating its insights, they have witnessed increased likes, shares, comments, and overall engagement. The measurable results underline the effectiveness of the Custom GPT in optimizing social media posts.

10 New GPT Apps Utilizing ChatGPTs Latest Updates

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Example 9: Nomad GPT – Incorporating Nomad List Data

Overview of Nomad GPT

Nomad GPT is an innovative chatbot that incorporates data from Nomad List, a popular platform providing information on the best cities for digital nomads. By integrating Nomad List data, this chatbot offers personalized recommendations and assistance for digital nomads worldwide.

Integration of Nomad List data

Nomad GPT leverages the extensive data available on Nomad List, including information on weather, cost of living, internet speed, safety, and more. By utilizing this vast dataset, the chatbot can provide real-time recommendations on ideal cities for digital nomads based on individual preferences and requirements.

Applications in travel and remote work

Nomad GPT proves invaluable for individuals engaged in travel and remote work. By considering factors such as internet speed, cost of living, and safety, the chatbot can guide digital nomads in finding the most suitable destinations. Whether someone is looking for a city with a vibrant digital nomad community, affordable accommodations, or excellent internet connectivity, Nomad GPT can provide relevant suggestions.

Enhanced user experience

By incorporating Nomad List data, Nomad GPT enhances the user experience by providing personalized and data-driven recommendations. Users no longer have to rely solely on generic travel guides or subjective opinions. Instead, they can access real-time data and insights, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their digital nomad lifestyle.

Example 10: – Custom GPT with Long-Term Memory

Introduction to is an extraordinary custom GPT agent that incorporates long-term memory and task tracking capabilities. This unique application enables the model to retain information, recall past conversations, and perform tasks over extended periods.

Long-term memory and task tracking

The model is designed to mimic aspects of human cognition by incorporating long-term memory functionality. It can remember previous conversations, context, and information, ensuring a more coherent and personalized user experience. Furthermore, can track tasks, allowing users to have ongoing and progressive interactions with the model.

Use cases and applications

The inclusion of long-term memory and task tracking makes suitable for various use cases and applications. For example, it can act as a virtual personal assistant, remembering past preferences and actions to provide seamless and intuitive support. Additionally, can excel in complex tasks that require building upon previous interactions, such as language learning, project management, and customer support.

Implications for AI development represents a significant advancement in AI development by incorporating long-term memory and task tracking capabilities. This development brings us closer to achieving Artificial General Intelligence, where AI systems can exhibit human-like memory and cognitive abilities. The implications of this progress extend beyond individual applications and open up new possibilities in fields such as education, healthcare, and research.

In conclusion, the 10 new GPT apps built with ChatGPT’s newest updates offer a glimpse into the incredible potential of AI technology. From image identification to custom models for engagement, these apps demonstrate the versatility and power of GPT-based applications. As AI continues to advance, we can expect even more innovative and groundbreaking applications to enhance our daily lives.