This article provides a behind-the-scenes look at an SEO experiment that involves creating AI content to see how fast it can rank. AI SEO: How I Ranked 1st Page Instantly with ChatGPT. The website in question focuses on Bonsai, and the author takes readers on a tour of the site to showcase the AI-generated content and the overall structure of the site. The author also provides insights into the content creation process, including the cost basis of each article and the tools used to streamline the process.

Key Takeaways:

  • The website is an SEO experiment that involves creating AI content to see how fast it can rank.
  • The content creation process involves a simple Excel spreadsheet and a tool called Quick article workflow.
  • The author provides insights into the cost basis of each article and the tools used to streamline the process.

The Purpose of the SEO Experiment

The purpose of the SEO experiment is to create AI-generated content for a Bonsai-themed website and see how fast it ranks on Google. The website features big articles with H2s down to H3s, all generated via AI. The goal is to push out as much AI content as possible and isolate this parameter to see how it affects website ranking. The website has published 77 posts, and the cost basis for each article is less than three dollars. The experiment aims to improve the process of creating AI content and provide a better product for clients.

Tour of the Website

The website being discussed in the video was created as an experiment to create AI content strictly and see how fast it ranks. The website is all about Bonsai but is designed to pivot away from it. The website has a unique logo created using Dolly, an open AI product. The front page features a typical post with author name, featured images, and YouTube. The header structure includes big articles via AI, H2s down to H3s. Frequently asked questions are imported manually. The website has a content-heavy SEO, with Google ranking websites based on content. The website has no EAT and a fictitious person as a placeholder. The menus are content-based. The website has had 553 clicks in the last three months and is pushing about 55 daily. The website has 77 published posts, most of which were published systematically one at a time. The website uses Astra Pro, Elementor, and Yoast SEO. The blog posts are created using a simple Excel spreadsheet that informs whether it is a live article, publish date, interlink, and done. The articles are created using Quick article workflow, which is free to use and will soon go behind a paywall. The frequently asked questions are reworded manually to feel more natural. The website has huge articles with a word count of 3-4 thousand words.

The Content Strategy

The website was created as an experiment to create AI-generated content strictly and see how fast it ranks. The purpose of the experiment was to push out as much AI content as fast as possible and see how it ranks. The website is all about Bonsai, but the author is doing something tricky where he wants to pivot away from Bonsai. The website has a very content-heavy SEO, and the author believes that Google ranks websites based upon the content. For this experiment, the author is trying to isolate one parameter at a time, and he cannot do this on clients’ websites.

The website has 77 published posts, of which most were published on April 8th. The author systematically pushed out posts one at a time, and the website seems to be pushing about 55 clicks daily. The website has a very simple structure, and the author used Astra Pro, Elementor, and Yoast SEO plugins. The author created blog posts at a cost basis of less than three dollars per blog post.

The author used a very simple Excel spreadsheet to inform them if it’s a live article, publish date, interlink, and done. The author used the Quick article workflow to create articles. To create an article, the author typed the keyword, clicked the style, the article length, and hit create article. The tool spits out the article in a minute or two. The author imported frequently asked questions manually and reworded the questions to make them sound more natural. The author answered each question in a concise manner with few words. The author used Quick article workflow to create articles, which are huge, probably three to four thousand words. This is the author’s current process, which is improving.

Traffic and Ranking Statistics

The website created as an experiment to produce AI content and test its ranking speed has shown promising results. According to Google Search Console, the website has received 553 clicks since April 8th, 2023. On a daily basis, the website receives around 55 clicks, with an upward trajectory. The website has published 77 posts, most of which were published on May 10th, 2023. The website has a heavy focus on content, which is believed to be the primary factor in Google’s ranking algorithm. Despite neglecting other factors such as UI, UX, and page speed, the website has shown impressive ranking speeds due to its content-heavy approach. The website has used a quick article workflow tool to produce AI-generated content at a cost of less than $3 per blog post. The website has used a specific interlinking strategy on every article, and the pages that are ranking well are those that were made using this strategy. The website has also used a frequently asked questions section, which was imported manually and reworded to avoid keyword stuffing. The website’s traffic is on an upward trajectory, and the ranking speed is promising, making it a successful experiment in producing AI-generated content.

Behind the Scenes of the Website

The website discussed in the video was created as an experiment to generate AI content and see how quickly it could rank. The website focuses on Bonsai, but the creator plans to pivot away from that topic. The website has a simple design, with a logo created using the Open AI product Dolly.

The articles on the website are generated using AI, with a cost basis of less than three dollars per post. The process starts with a simple Excel spreadsheet that tracks live articles, publish dates, and interlinking. The creator used a tool called Quick Article Workflow to generate the articles quickly and easily.

The website has 77 published posts, with most of them published in May 2023. The pages that are ranking well include Bougainvillea Bonsai care, which is ranked number one. The frequently asked questions on the website are manually imported and reworded to avoid keyword stuffing.

The website uses Astra Pro, Elementor, and Yoast SEO plugins. The creator plans to improve the process by introducing new tools and techniques. The website has had 553 clicks in the last three months, with a daily average of 55 clicks.

Overall, the website is an experiment in generating AI content quickly and efficiently. The creator hopes to learn from the process and apply the knowledge to improve their product for their clients.

Creating Blog Posts

The speaker in the video explains how they created a website as an experiment to create AI-generated content and see how quickly it ranks. The website is all about Bonsai, but the speaker is using a tricky method to pivot away from Bonsai, which they will explain later in the video.

The speaker uses AI to generate content for the website and shows the header structure of the website, which includes big articles ranging from H2s to H3s. The speaker believes that Google ranks websites based on content, and all other factors such as UI, UX, and page speed are secondary to the actual words on the page.

The speaker explains that they use a very simple Excel spreadsheet to create blog posts and do interlinking on every article based on a very methodical way. They use a tool called Quick Article Workflow to create articles. The tool is free to use, but it will go behind a paywall shortly. The speaker shows how to use the tool to create an article by typing the keyword, selecting the style and article length, and hitting create article. The tool generates an article in a minute or two.

The speaker also explains that they manually import frequently asked questions and reword them to make them sound natural. They aim to answer each question in three sentences and keep them below 300 characters.

The speaker combines the use of Quick Article Workflow and manual import of frequently asked questions to create articles. This is their current process, which they believe is improving greatly. They believe that this process is cost-effective, and each blog post costs less than three dollars.

The Secret of the Website

The website was created as an experiment to create AI-generated content and see how fast it ranks. The purpose of the experiment was to isolate one parameter at a time and push out as much AI content as fast as possible. The website is all about Bonsai, but the creator is doing something tricky where they want to pivot away from Bonsai.

The website has a simple structure with big articles ranging from H2s to H3s, all generated via AI. The frequently asked questions are imported manually and reworded to avoid keyword stuffing. The website is content-heavy, and the creator believes that Google ranks websites based on the content. The UI, UX, and page speed are secondary to the actual words on the page.

The website has published 77 posts, and most were published systematically, with one post pushed out at a time. The website has a secret, which the creator will reveal later in the video. The website was created using Astra Pro, Elementor, and Yoast SEO. The creator used Elementor on this website for a specific reason, which they will explain later.

The creator uses a simple Excel spreadsheet to inform them about the live article publish date, interlinking, and more. They do interlinking on every article in a methodical way. The creator uses Quick Article Workflow to create blog posts, which cost less than three dollars per article. The creator types in the keyword, selects the style and article length, and hits create article. The tool spits out the article in a minute or two.

The frequently asked questions are reworded manually using Chachi BT. The creator asks Chachi BT to reword the questions and answer them in a concise manner with few words. The creator tries to keep the frequently asked questions below 300 characters to win snippets.

The creator’s current process is improving, and they believe it’s multiples better than what they’re doing now. The creator will reveal how they have improved the process later in the video.

The Use of AI in Content Creation

The speaker in the video created a website as an experiment to create AI content and see how fast it ranks. The website is all about Bonsai and the speaker used Dolly, an open AI product, to create the logo. The website features big articles with H2s down to H3s, all created via AI. The website also has frequently asked questions, which are imported manually. The speaker believes that Google ranks websites based on the content, and for this experiment, he is trying to push out as much AI content as fast as possible to see how it ranks.

The website has had 553 clicks in the last three months, and it seems to be pushing about 55 clicks daily. The website has 77 published posts, most of which were published on May 10th. The speaker used a very simple Excel spreadsheet to inform the creation of each article. The speaker used the Quick Article Workflow tool to create articles, which cost less than three dollars per blog post. The tool allows the user to type in a keyword, choose the article’s style and length, and hit create article. The tool then spits out the article in a minute or two. The speaker imports frequently asked questions manually and rewords them to avoid keyword stuffing. The speaker believes that the use of AI in content creation can improve the speed and efficiency of content creation.

The Importance of Interlinking

Interlinking is a crucial aspect of SEO that helps to improve website rankings. By linking relevant pages and posts within a website, search engines are able to understand the structure and hierarchy of the content. This helps to establish the importance of each page and also makes it easier for users to navigate through the website.

In the case of the Bonsai website that was created as an experiment, interlinking was done in a very methodical way. Every article was made with a specific keyword and a very specific purpose. The interlinking was done based on a simple Excel spreadsheet that informed the team whether an article was live, published, interlinked, or done.

It is important to note that interlinking should not be done in a spammy or manipulative way. The links should be relevant and add value to the user experience. By interlinking, not only are you improving the user experience, but you are also helping search engines to crawl and index your website more efficiently. This can lead to higher rankings and increased visibility in search results.

In conclusion, interlinking is an important aspect of SEO that should not be overlooked. It helps to establish the hierarchy and structure of a website’s content, improves the user experience, and can lead to higher rankings and increased visibility in search results.

The Role of Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) play a crucial role in the website’s ranking process. The speaker in the video emphasizes the significance of FAQs and how they are manually imported into the website. While the AI generates the content for the website, the FAQs are reworded to avoid keyword stuffing and to make it feel more natural.

The speaker further explains that concise answers to the FAQs are important, and they should be kept below 300 characters to increase the chances of winning snippets. The FAQs help to provide additional information to the users and also help the website to rank higher in the search engine results page.

In summary, FAQs are an essential component of the website’s ranking process, and they play a vital role in providing additional information to the users. By rewording the FAQs and providing concise answers, the website can rank higher in the search engine results page and win snippets.

The Future of the Process

The speaker in the video shared an experimental website created to test the effectiveness of AI-generated content in ranking quickly. The website has been successful in attracting traffic and ranking on Google search results. The speaker emphasized the importance of content in SEO and the need to continuously improve the process.

To improve the process, the speaker introduced a Quick Article Workflow tool that generates articles based on specific keywords and style preferences. The tool is cost-effective and fast, allowing for the creation of high-quality content at a low cost.

The speaker also highlighted the importance of frequently asked questions (FAQs) in improving the website’s chances of appearing in Google’s featured snippets. To achieve this, the speaker manually rewords the questions and provides concise answers within a character limit of 300.

In summary, the future of the process involves continuous experimentation and improvement in creating high-quality content at a low cost using AI-generated tools, optimizing FAQs for featured snippets, and staying up-to-date with SEO best practices.

The Custom Article Workflow

In this video, the speaker presents a website created as an experiment to create AI-generated content and test its ranking speed. The website’s content is about Bonsai, and the speaker shows how the articles’ structure is created using AI. The AI-generated articles are published using a simple Excel spreadsheet that tracks the article’s keyword, publish date, and interlinking. The speaker emphasizes the importance of content in SEO and how this experiment aims to isolate content as a ranking parameter. The speaker also introduces the Quick Article Workflow tool, which generates articles based on keywords and desired length. The tool is free to use and will soon be behind a paywall. The speaker also shows how frequently asked questions are manually reworded to avoid keyword stuffing and improve natural language. The speaker concludes that this process is improving and is expected to be better than the current process.

The Shift in Content Focus

The website created for the experiment focuses on AI-generated content, particularly for Bonsai-related topics. The website has a unique logo created using OpenAI’s Dolly tool and a font similar to the one used in the creator’s YouTube videos. The website’s header structure is structured with big articles using H2s down to H3s, all generated via AI. The frequently asked questions are manually imported, and the website does not have any EAT or a real person as a placeholder.

The website’s creator believes that Google ranks websites based on their content, making it the primary focus of the experiment. The website has published 77 posts, and the cost basis for each article is less than three dollars. The articles are created using a simple Excel spreadsheet and Quick article workflow, which generates articles based on the keyword, style, and article length. The frequently asked questions are reworded manually to avoid keyword stuffing and make them feel more natural. The articles are interlinked in a methodical way, and the website uses Astra Pro, Elementor, and Yoast SEO.

The website has had 553 clicks since April 8th, and it seems to be pushing around 55 clicks daily. The website’s traffic is on an upward trajectory, and the pages that are ranking are those that were created using the Quick article workflow. The website’s creator is continually improving the process and plans to introduce new tools to scale it further.